How to Manage Time??

Time Management

Time management,  is the art of getting things done faster, effectively and efficiently, thereby getting more precious time for yourself.

 “ Without the management of time, you will soon have nothing left to manage."
- William W Rif

The place to start is with the list, check the ones on which you should concentrate to improve management of your time.

ü      Think of procrastination as your worst enemy.
ü      Develop daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly lists of goals.
ü      Draw up a plan each day of what you want to accomplish.
ü      Set priorities and learn to weigh yours against those of your boss/ colleagues/family.
ü      Don’t passively accept a deadline you can’t meet.
ü      Schedule hours for quiet work and other times when you will be available to other people.

Three things to be kept on mind:

  1. Plan: Your hour should be measured by the day, by the week or by the month and audited at the end of the period. Understand where you could have saved time and take action to remedy the situation immediately.
  2. Prioritize: Your activities or events keeping in mind the priorities.
  3. Protect: Your time by doing things right the first time, so that more energy is not wasted on re-doing it, not sleeping well, and allowing personal matters and other things to interfere with work. 
         Also remember that of all the time saving techniques, the most effective is the use of the word ‘NO’.
         You cannot protect your priorities unless you learn to say ‘NO’ diplomatically, tactfully but firmly.
So, guys I hope this article on "TIME MANAGEMENT" is really going to help you out. So, from right now start employing these tricks and start managing your time properly.


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